Climate activist group, Ostatnie Pokolenie, block Wislostrada street in central Warsaw by Neil Milton / SOPA Images
The Last Generation (Ostatnie Pokolenie) initiates a set of rolling blockades on a main trunk road in Warsaw, Wislostrada, to protest against the climate policies of Donald Tusk. Individual blockades on this road have continued for the past 2 weeks, however, the group continued to return to the road each time released from the police cordon. The blockades are designed to raise awareness of the climate crisis through sustained, non-violent disruption. The group is demanding that the government shifts 100% of the money allocated for new expressways to regional public transport, and introduces a low-cost, 50PLN ticket for public transport throughout Poland. The series of road blocks take place on the week that Polish students return to school. "People must demand change" they state, "otherwise the government will continue to disregard our basic safety."
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